Customer Enters ‘Express Lane’ With Too Many Items

Have you ever found yourself stuck behind someone in an express checkout line who clearly had way too many items?

A recent story shared by a Walmart customer tells of a cashier who didn’t back down when a shopper tried to bypass the «10 items or less» rule.

The customer recalled standing in line with just a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, and a few other things. As they waited in the express lane, a woman suddenly shoved past them, her cart overflowing with groceries.

The cashier calmly greeted the woman and then pointed out the sign above the lane, which clearly stated the «Ten Items or Less» policy in both English and Spanish.

Visibly irritated, the woman huffed, «I want all of this!» Her face turned bright red in frustration.

Remaining polite but firm, the cashier responded, «I’m sorry, Ma’am. As I mentioned, this line is for ten items or less. Please choose the ten items you’d like to purchase today.»

At this point, the woman let out a strange, high-pitched sound, like a shrieking goat, and angrily shoved her fully-loaded cart away, nearly hitting an elderly man sitting nearby. As she stormed out, she flipped off the crowd and shouted, “F*** you!” to everyone who had witnessed the scene.

Before the chaos, the cashier had asked her, «Which ten items would you like to check out, ma’am?»—a simple question that clearly pushed her over the edge.


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