Child artist Akiane Kramarik said she saw Jesus’ ‘true’ face in her dreams and decided to paint it on canvas. Check the comments to see 

Akiane Kramarik’s iconic painting «Prince of Peace,» a stunning depiction of Jesus that she created at just 8 years old, resurfaced after being lost for 16 years. The painting, mistakenly sold and hidden away after it was stolen, had spent years in obscurity before it was recovered.

Now 28, Akiane is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. She is renowned for her spiritually inspired artworks, which she describes as driven by «visionary inspiration.» Her painting of Jesus, «Prince of Peace,» was created because she felt called to portray a «profound role model for humanity.»

Akiane’s talent first gained public attention when she appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show at age 9. The young artist, surrounded by her impressive collection of large-scale paintings, including the «Prince of Peace,» captivated Oprah. When asked where her remarkable gift came from, Akiane confidently replied, «It comes from God.»

In another interview, at just 10 years old, Akiane was asked how she knew it was God speaking to her. Her response was simple and assured: “Because I can hear His voice. His voice is quiet and beautiful.”

Interestingly, Akiane’s family was not religious. Growing up in rural Idaho, the subject of God was never discussed at home. Her mother, Forelli Kramarik, who was raised in an atheistic household in Lithuania, described the family’s surprise when Akiane began sharing her spiritual experiences. «It wasn’t just about art. Along with it came a spiritual awakening,» Forelli said. Akiane’s father, a former Catholic, also hadn’t introduced any religious discussions into their home. Yet, out of nowhere, young Akiane began talking about God with incredible conviction.

Homeschooled and isolated from external influences, Akiane was never exposed to religious ideas outside of her visions. «We didn’t have TV, babysitters, or outside influence. It was just us with the kids all the time,» her mother explained. Akiane’s discussions of God and His love seemed to come entirely from within.

Akiane shared that her inspiration for «Prince of Peace» came from a vision she had been experiencing since preschool. Though she initially expressed her visions through poetry, she later turned to painting when words became insufficient to convey the depth of her experiences.

After struggling to find a model for Jesus, she suggested her family pray for guidance. Remarkably, a tall carpenter arrived at their door soon after, seeking work. Akiane instantly recognized him as the person she had envisioned. «I nearly fainted when I saw him. I told my mother, ‘That’s him. I want him to be my model,’» she recalled.

Using the carpenter as her muse, Akiane created the now-famous «Prince of Peace,» a painting that is celebrated worldwide for its profound emotional depth and technical mastery. Despite her youth, Akiane demonstrated extraordinary skill and precision in her work.

The painting was eventually sent to an exhibition, but it was stolen en route. Though it was later returned, the artwork arrived covered in sawdust, which Akiane painstakingly cleaned. Unfortunately, a clerical error later caused the painting to be mistakenly sold to a private collector. After a lengthy legal battle, Akiane was unable to reclaim her beloved work, which was kept in storage beneath a dark stairwell.

Despite this setback, Akiane remained hopeful. She continued to create new masterpieces, each met with critical acclaim, while also selling over 100,000 prints of «Prince of Peace.» Her art not only gained international recognition but also lifted her family out of poverty.

Determined not to give up, Akiane held onto the belief that she would one day reunite with the «Prince of Peace.» In the meantime, she traveled to more than 30 countries, sharing her message of peace and spirituality with people from all walks of life. Her journey has become a testament to her unwavering faith and her deep connection to the spiritual world.


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