A person who has seen a lot of grief and human problems in life acquires a special temperament. He is calm about everything that happens in his life and comes to the aid of others at the first opportunity. He gathers the same friends around. Louis Ocampo, an army medic from the National Guard, lived in Charlotte, North Carolina, with his common-law wife Kaylee Finch and son Lucian.
When Hurricane Florence came to the southeastern coast of the United States, the man was sent with colleagues to the city of New Bern, especially affected by the storm. The hurricane of the first category brought down the strongest wind and torrential rain on the dwellings. He drowned and destroyed houses, uprooted huge trees. Louis and his colleagues were engaged in evacuation, brought food and water, provided medical assistance.

A twenty-year-old spouse, left alone with a small child, decided to move to a safer place. She and her son moved in with Louis’ parents, and left the dog at home, bringing her food from time to time. A week later, Louis returned home. Tired, he rejoiced at the future meeting with his wife and son, hoping for a rest in the circle of loved ones. Instead, he discovered a shocking sight. The dog was running in front of the house alone. The back door was wide open.
Louis hoped for some time that the dog had just learned to open the door with his paws, but further inspection of the dwelling completely dissuaded him. The window in the son’s bedroom was open. The lock that closes it was torn down by someone with a nearby shovel. With a sinking heart, the guardsman entered the house through the open door. The hooligans were no longer there.

But this is the only thing that pleased. The clothes of all the family members were scattered. A laptop was stolen, where the head of the family kept important information for himself, there was no video game system, weapons and even food from the refrigerator disappeared! The biggest upset was the theft of a unique collection of coins that Grandma collected for Louis all his life, from all over the world. For the grandson, it was a priceless collection, donated by a loved one.

He was terribly upset, sat down on the sofa and held his head in his hands. So he was found by his civil spouse, who came once again to feed the dog. She was very worried about her beloved and wrote a post on her Facebook that changed their whole future life. She posted a photo of Louis and wrote that her soldier was helping people in a difficult situation. Meanwhile, his house was robbed and the most precious thing for his heart was taken away.
She asked people to look, maybe someone knows information about the coin collection. Kaylee’s friend, Mary Eliza Capron, knew Louis perfectly well as a kind man and a worthy soldier. She created a collection on the GoFoundMe website, setting a goal to raise 5 thousand dollars. Mary wrote about Louis’ problems, told about their wonderful family. She calculated that this amount would be enough to buy a new laptop and weapons, replace the window in the boy’s bedroom.

People read about the misfortune of a simple soldier and sent money from the bottom of their hearts. Several thousand dollars came in 11 days. Louis and his wife were asked to close the fundraiser, which was enough to restore the stolen. And they didn’t want to take extra money. Mary listened to them. But people asked to open the collection again. Everyone wanted to do something to help a soldier robbed by looters.
Considering themselves unworthy to accept huge sums, the family and the friend who organized everything came up with a new plan. They redirected new donations to a fund to help soldiers and pilots. The money from it went to local guys from the National Guard who had problems after the hurricane. The guys transferred about 15 thousand dollars to a soldier who lost his house destroyed by a huge fallen tree. Now the man had to live in a hotel.

Thanks to the money he received, he will be able to buy a house. The trouble that happened to them, the young family turned into positive actions for the benefit of others. Louis said that people were very generous, and he and his wife wanted to share it with someone else who also needed help after the terrible hurricane.

If people do not lose their composure even in the most difficult situation, they will definitely cope with it. I would like to add only one thing, people who save or help others deserve special respect and Louis undoubtedly received it. But, unfortunately, the work of rescuers and volunteers is not always appreciated.