Sometimes it feels like the newspapers, newsstands, and news reports are full of all the horrible things that are happening all over the world. Every day we wake up only to be shocked by the things humans do.
Terrorist acts happen every day and many people are afraid of what might happen tomorrow.
But every now and then we get to read about something nice for a change.
It warms our hearts to read about the kind people who do good deeds.
We really need to give these things the focus and coverage they deserve, rather than all the negative stuff.
And here’s a story like that, one which Jeremiah Nicole is happy to share.
Jeremiah’s grandmother was lying on her deathbed in the hospital bed. She knew she didn’t have not much time left.
She was hospitalized and needed help with everything.
Nurses are amazing people, who help with far more things than the basic needs of their patients. They really do everything you can imagine to make sure their patients are taken care of.
Take nurse Isabel for example. She’s the kind of nurse who goes above and beyond for people, and Jeremiah wanted to make sure the whole world knew that.

When she found out that Jeremiah’s grandmother, Helen, did not have much time left, she snuck into her room and did something just amazing.
We were all blessed with our talents, and Isabel was blessed with the voice of an angel.
Isabelle held Helen’s hand and asked if she could sing to her.
Luckily, everything was recorded on camera, so Helen’s family will never forget that moment.
Nurses do not receive the recognition they deserve. Doctors usually get to be the heroes when they save lives in the operating room. But nurses treat people on a completely different level.
Isabel has such a big heart that she even comes on her day off just to sing for Helen.
Watch the amazing video below: