Baby formula is still in short supply around the nation, and while efforts have been made to help the situation, there are some parents who are still stressing about feeding their children.
One Indiana woman is hoping to relieve some of the stress many are feeling when it comes to finding their children the formula they desperately need. Unfortunately, her act of kindness has come at a horrific cost to her and her family.
Shelby Duggan-Meltzer is donating all of the baby formula she purchased for her twin boys. Sadly, they both suddenly died before they were 14 weeks old.

Forrest and Foster, described as “little perfect bundles of joy” were born on February 14, 2022.
“They were perfect in every single way,” Shelby said of her boys.
But when Foster was just a month old he passed away from SIDS.
“You never ever think you are going to do CPR on your 30-day-old baby,” she told WRTV.
The loss was devastating.
Although Shelby started out breastfeeding her babies, she switched to formula after Foster’s death.
But only a few months after his brother’s sudden death, Forrest also suddenly died. Despite recently visiting the doctor, the coroner found Forrest had been dealing with pneumonia.

As Shelby mourned the loss of her baby boys, she had an issue on her hands: what to do with all the formula she purchased and suddenly had no use for.
She decided the best thing to do was to donate all of her excess cans of baby formula to those parents still struggling to find some for their babies.
“Those cans I bought $35 a piece, and I have 15 cans,” she said. “Even though it’s hurting me inside, someone else is a little relieved.”
It was all done in honor of her two baby boys.
While Shelby’s twins may be gone, she hopes her story reminds parents to enjoy what time they have with their children.
“Just hug your babies, cause time is of the essence and you just don’t know when they’ll be gone.”
My heart breaks for Shelby. I cannot even begin to imagine the heartache of losing one child and then another in such a short time.
Be sure to share and join everyone in prayer for Shelby and all those who loved Forrest and Foster.