Few songs evoke the level of patriotism achieved by Irving Berlin’s, ‘God Bless America.’ The majestic music has been performed by so many great artists over the years. One of the best performances was by ‘The United States Army Field Band.’
They have a select group from the field band who participate in ‘The Jazz Ambassadors.’ The song was arranged by Sgt. Maj. Jim Roberts. The tune has been designed to feature the amazing Army vocalists Staff Sgts. Kyra Dorn and Sarah Polinksi.
Members of the band perform their parts separately. Each part has been recorded and edited together into one final performance. Trombones, trumpets, piano, bass, and more are featured in this montage of musicians.

The solo vocalists sing with power and harmony, ‘God bless America, land that I love!’ Their vocal blend and tone fit the song’s powerful theme. The verses are laid back, but the chorus is boisterous and emotionally moving!
‘God Bless America’ was written by Irving Berlin during the 1st World War. Berlin wrote the song in 1918 while serving in the U.S. Army in New York. It was the signature song of Kate Smith, who performed the most famous rendition through the years.

Irving Berlin wrote an estimated 1,500 songs, including 20 Broadway shows and 15 Hollywood movies. With ‘God Bless America,’ Irving found a song that inspired the nation. He brought it back to popularity again before World War II.
‘The Jazz Ambassadors’ are the Army’s premier big band. The 19-member ensemble started in 1969, and they perform America’s original art form, jazz. They are also known as ‘America’s Big Band.’ A wonderful group of dedicated soldiers and musicians represent America with pride and excellence!