Homeless Man’s Visit to Police Station Leads to Shocking Transformation

In an extraordinary display of commitment to their community, police officers in Rome, New York, went above and beyond their duty to assist a homeless man in need.

While on patrol, Officer Aaron Page encountered a homeless man who clearly needed help. Officer Page invited him to the police station the next day and orchestrated a life-changing surprise for the man.

“It was clear he needed some basic clothing,” Officer Jeff Buckley, one of the four officers involved, told WSTM. “He only had the clothes he was wearing.”

Officer Page met the man, named Bobby, on a Monday and invited him to visit the station the next morning. But unlike other visitors, Bobby’s visit would be particularly special.

A Fantastic Effort When Bobby arrived on Tuesday morning, he was welcomed by four officers—Page, Buckley, George Gebo, and Sergeant Frank Fragapane—who were ready to give him an incredible makeover.

The officers gathered donated clothing, and Officer Page brought clippers to give Bobby a fresh shave and haircut.

“We are always thinking of new ways to help our community,” Buckley said of their collective effort to give Bobby a fresh start. “Officer Page came up with the idea, and it was a great way to assist someone who just needed a bit of help.”

The Rome Police Department shared the story on Facebook, posting photos to inspire the community by documenting Bobby’s transformation.

The initial photos show Bobby with a scruffy beard, a worn baseball cap, unkempt hair, and tattered clothing. One touching image captures Officer Page helping Bobby put on his new red sneakers. The later photos reveal Bobby after his makeover, with a neat haircut and a clean-shaven face.

The Facebook post read: “Rome PD giving back and providing a helping hand. After meeting Bobby, who said he’d love a haircut and a warm shower, Officer Page made it happen.”

It continued: “This morning we gave Bobby a haircut, a shave, a shower, and a complete new wardrobe of donated clothes. Bobby left looking like a new person and couldn’t thank us enough.”

The post received numerous comments from people praising the officers for their kindness and the confidence boost they gave Bobby.

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