This is just too pure.
The sibling bond is pretty strong, but the twin bond is the strongest.
A person’s twin is with them even before birth, and they will be with them throughout their entire lives.
Even if twins are not identical, they share DNA and thought processes that bring them close together. Twins have been known to share senses, read each other’s minds, and demonstrate other skills that suggest that there is much more at play than meets the eye.

This set of twins is probably the cutest you will ever see. Images from their birth have taken the internet by storm, and for good reason. You’ll be gushing when you see this adorable pair.
The twins were born healthy and normal – well, as normal as anyone could want them to be. Unlike other newborns, these babies didn’t seem to be aware that they had left their mother’s womb. Their interaction just moments after entering this world has left people all everywhere in awe.
Click the video below to watch the twins hugging!